Seminar & Privatissimum "System Security"

  1. Seminar & Privatissimum:

    System Security

  1. Lecturers:
    Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Peter Schartner
    Univ.-Prof. DDipl.-Ing. Dr. Stefan Rass
    Contacts and Supervisors:
    Peter Schartner (PS)
    Stefan Rass (SR)
    Raphael Wigoutschnigg (RW)
    First meeting:
    05.03.2019, 14:00, S.1.42
    for concrete class dates, check the table below
    Tue, 14:00-16:00, S.1.42 (unless stated differently below)
    SE- and PV-Talk:
    Talk dates (max. 3 per day) will be fixed in Moodle.
    Attendance is compulsory!
    SE, SW-PR: 30 min (firm!) for talk + discussion
    PV: Start/Middle/Finish 15/20/30 min talk + discussion
    PhD: Start/Middle/Finish 20/30/45 min talk + discussion
    (Templates for slides and figures)
    Seminar thesis:
    6000 - 8000 words (abstract: 170-250 words) adhering to our (LaTeX-template)
    We use MikTeX und WinEdt. Free editors are TeXstudio and TeXworks that ships with MikTeX.
    Course rules:
    see the Moodle course
    Please also check the guidelines for the seminar
    Topics are assigned according to the First-come-first-served-principle in Moodle.
  1. Date Topic Speaker Slides
    First meeting & Fixing talk dates and topics
    Block 1
    MA Presentation
    Vom Risikomangement zum Datenschutz
    SWPR: Logging System @ ZID

    alle SE Teiln.
    C. Wirnsberger
    M.-P. Wolfger
    F. Feichter
    see Moodle
    Block 2
    MA Presentation
    Blockchain und Distributed Ledger
    Heartbleed, Shellshock (Bash Bug), Meltdown and Spectre

    E. Zografou
    M. Seywald
    J. Fischer
    see Moodle
    Block 3
    Analysis of voice assistants in eHealth
    Post-Quantum Cryptography
    Smart Home Security
    Zentralisiertes Logging @ AAU

    M. Jesse
    A. Kiian
    A. Topalovic
    F. Feichter
    see Moodle
    Block 4
    Simulation von Security in kritischen Infrastrukturen
    Password Cracking Strategies
    Verwundbarkeit kritischer Infrastruktur in Österreich
    Keccak, Sponge and Modes of Operation
    Webcrawler/Data Harvesting

    T. Grafenauer
    S. Wallner
    N. Falle
    D. Weinberger
    S. Tischler
    see Moodle
    Offene Themen
    AEAD beyond CCM and GCM N.N (PS)
    HASP – Hardware Against Software Piracy N.N (PS)
    Heartbleed, Shellshock (Bash Bug), Meltdown and Spectre N.N (PS)
    Keccak, Sponge and Modes of Operation N.N (PS)
    The Lightning Network N.N (PS)
    Password Cracking Strategies N.N (PS)
    Blockchains & Applications N.N (PS)
    Smart Home (In-)Security N.N (PS)
    Usable Security N.N (PS)
    Security of ROS (Robot Operating System) N.N (PS)
    Security and Privacy of CAN, PCL, LON, BACnet and other busses N.N (PS)
    Security and Privacy Aspects of Industry 4.0 and SCADA/ICS N.N (PS)
    Security and Privacy in Smart Grids N.N (PS)
    Homomorphic Encryption und Private Function Evaluation N.N (SR)
    Angriffe auf Anonymisierungsprotokolle N.N (SR)
    Anonyme Online Auktionsprotokolle (z.B. Cocaine) N.N (SR)
    Provable Data Possession N.N (SR)
    Private Information Retrieval N.N (SR)
    Verschlüsselung of Multimedia Content N.N (SR)
    TLS 1.3 vs. eTLS N.N (PS)
    Further/other proposals are welcome!