The Systems Security research group has more than 25 years of IT security experience, including applied cryptography, security infrastructures, IT risk management, security policy evaluation, and protocol and prototype design. We participate in national and international research projects and conferences and act as external reviewers, consultants, and lecturers. The group is closely linked to international institutions and researchers concerned with threats, critical infrastructure protection and the application of statistics, decision-making and game theory of security. We offer basic lectures for the undergraduate students (Algorithms and Data Structures, Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science, System Security, and Complexity Theory) and Special Courses for Master and Ph.D. Students (Foundations of Cryptology, Applied Cryptography, Security Infrastructures, Selected Topics in Systems Security and the Seminar on System Security). Also, the members of the System Safety research group supervise various bachelor, master, and doctoral theses, either in the context of study applications or as part of ongoing research projects.
Applied Cryptography
Security Infrastructures
IT-Risk Management
Game- and Decision-Theory
Robot Security
Design and Evaluation of Security Concepts
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Quantum Cryptograpy and Applications