Stefan Rass

Stefan Rass
Position: Univ.-Prof.
Academic Degree: PD Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.
Office: OIC, Room 0114,
JKU Linz Campus
+43 (732) 2468 9545
+43 (463) 2700 993715 (this page)
Office Hour: by appointment (Mo-Th)
Postal Address: Altenbergerstrasse 69
4040 Linz
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP): Public Key

B05D C540 9564 373B 2857
FFA7 993A ADE5 7B23 CFEF
ORCID: 0000-0003-2821-2489

  • Research Interests

  • Security- and Risk-Management
  • Decision- and Game-Theory for Security
  • Security Infrastructures (Key Distribution and -Management, PKI, Authentication)
  • Unconditional and Network Security
  • Applied Quantum Cryptography
  • Complexity Theory and Statistics in Security