Goal, Procedure & Hints

  1. Seminar & Privatissimum:

    System Security

  1. Goal:

    The individual subject areas are developed independently by the students on the basis of recommended and independently obtained literature. The results are to be presented in the form of a lecture followed by discussion and written elaboration. This should provide the student not only with specialist knowledge but also with independent working and presentation experience in front of a larger audience. Attendance is compulsory during the seminar! This applies in particular to the first appointment. Further details will be provided at the first meeting.

  1. Procedure:

    • Recherche
      Immediately after receiving the topic a literature search (library, internet etc.) has to be done, using internet sources (also Wikipedia) with caution. Take advantage of the online resources at the University Library, in particular the IEEE-Portal.
    • Short presentations (Teasers)
      At the seminar date for the presentation of the topic (approx. 3 weeks after the issue of the topics), the topic is to be presented in the context of a short presentation in 5 minutes. The following documents based on our format templates must be received by the respective supervising person by e-mail no later than 2 days before the presentation:
      • Table of contents (1 slide)
      • Teaser slides (1 title + 2 content slides + 1 slide with references)
    • Seminar thesis and final talk
      Our templates must be used for the creation of the seminar paper or presentation slides. Special importance is assigned to the fact that images are not copied, but drawn independently (preferably with Visio). Scanned graphics may not be used. The following points must also be considered:
      • Two weeks before the presentation date, the supervisor must be informed about the current status (seminar paper & preliminary version of the presentation) without being asked.
      • The final presentation must be handed in at least two days before the lecture (as ppt) so that it can be made available to the other participants as a pdf on the Internet.
      • The lecture duration of 35 minutes must be adhered to exactly.
      • The submission deadline for the final version of the seminar paper (6000 words) and the presentation (including the source files *.ppt, *.tex, *.vsd, ...) is Friday of the first week of February for the winter semester and Friday of the first week of July for the summer semester. Subsequent fees will not be accepted and will result in a negative assessment.
      • The deadline for any necessary revision of the final version shall be determined on a case-by-case basis.

  1. Hints for the Seminar:

  1. Your part

    • The lecture does not consist of reciting the text of the template as a quotation! You must understand and actively present the content of your paper. If you lack the prerequisites for understanding, you must obtain suitable further literature and acquire the necessary skills.
    • The bibliography of the documents received during the preliminary discussion serves as a starting aid for your literature search. The search for further literature (also in the WWW) and its integration into your elaboration is an essential contribution of your seminar work. This procedure is an important preparation for your later diploma thesis.
    • Develop a short version that contains the following: detailed content structure, indication of the focal points, commentary on your chosen substance selection, summary.
    • Consider whether your topic is suitable for supporting the presentation with a screen presentation, e.g. to demonstrate certain tools.
    • Seminar paper and presentation slides (in printed and electronic form) must be submitted.

  1. General hints

    • Binding registration for the seminar takes place at the beginning of each semester. Withdrawal from the seminar is only possible within the first four weeks from the date of registration. In case of valid reasons, e.g. illness, an extension of the processing time can be applied for against proof.
    • Attendance is compulsory at meetings and lectures. Repeated unexcused absence leads to exclusion from the seminar and a negative evaluation.
    • If changes to the seminar paper should be necessary, you will have two weeks after the presentation to carry them out.
    • Lecture dates cannot be postponed! Therefore, start early enough with the elaboration of the seminar paper and the lecture.
    • Late or unexcused submissions or lectures that have not been given will be evaluated as "Not sufficient". According to the new examination regulations, one of the three possible examination entries is therefore deemed to have failed.

  1. Organization

    • The cover sheet must contain the first name, name, immatriculation number of the participant as well as the title of the seminar, topic, organizer and the semester in which the seminar will take place.
    • The reader or listener should be able to understand your topic. For this it is important that a red thread is recognizable both by the lecture, and by the written elaboration.
    • Consider visualizations (illustrations, diagrams, flowcharts, ...), but please avoid picture elements without statements such as shadows or 3d-effects.
    • Scanned images are not permitted! In any case, indicate the source of the image.
    • Explain their pictures in the text.
    • Don't forget to name and dimension coordinate axes.
    • At the end of the preparation all literature references used must be listed. Reference should be made to these references in the text. URLs can be listed in the bibliography.

  1. Slides

    A beamer (incl. laptop) for your prepared slides and the blackboard (and in some cases a overhead-projector) for comments are available in the course.
    • The first slide should show the topic and names of the presenters.
    • Landscape format slides are more suitable than portrait format slides. Maximum 10 lines per DIN A4 landscape slide, font size should not be less than 16pt.
    • Use strong dark colors and use them systematically: e.g. blue for definitions, green for examples, etc.
    • Every slide should have a concise heading. Place your name, date and numbering on the slide.
    • Slides (one or more) belong to every essential statement and every group of slides has its own statement.
    • Continuous text does not belong on slides, but instead the core statements, graphics, examples. Slides should not be read aloud.
    • Avoid (bad) scanned images; some images can be drawn as cleanly as scanned! Be sure to specify the source of the image.
    • Number of slides to be prepared according to the rule of thumb: approx. 3 minutes per slide.

  1. Talk

    • The specified duration of the presentation must be adhered to exactly! Give a rehearsal talk at home.
    • Speaking time should be at least 20% shorter than the available speaking time (due to questions, discussion).
    • Prepare your talk in such a way that parts can be omitted if time is short.
    • Excerpt the essentials from the literature to be edited without presenting the entire work; omit unimportant details.
    • Keep a critical distance from the topic: try to assess the substance yourself (e.g. suitability and possible fields of application of certain processes, advantages and disadvantages of systems).
    • Prestigious examples help to better understand abstract facts.
    • Show and explain formulas only after informal explanation, rather avoid program code.
    • Offer permanent visual support through slides (no "parliamentary speeches").
    • Discuss questions from the audience during the presentation, never react in a hostile or grumpy way. If the questions become too much and the time for indispensable (!) parts of the lecture is running out, you should inform the audience and ask them to ask questions after the lecture if possible.
    • Don't read or memorize the text of the lecture: even a sometimes stagnant or paused free speech brings the listener more.
    • Not only read out what is written on the slides: additional information and explanations are extremely important for understanding.
    • Speakers must state their topic and name at the beginning of each presentation (part).
    • It is usually very helpful to learn the first sentences of the lecture by heart, because then the introduction is much easier.
    • It is advisable to hold the lecture in a standing position. Stand relaxed and straight, feet shoulder-wide apart, hands for gestures. Don't run nervously back and forth, but don't stop in one place as if nailed down. Speak to the audience and not to the blackboard or projection screen.
    • To guide the audience's gaze through the lecture by pointing to texts and graphics. Either point with a pointed object directly on the film (advantage: eye contact is possible; disadvantage: it can easily obscure the view of some listeners) or with a pointing bar on the projection screen (disadvantage: there is a danger that one turns away from the audience and speaks only to the screen).
    • Try to get by without a notepad. Your slides should contain all the necessary keywords.
    • Often make eye contact with the audience when talking. Speak out loud. Make speech breaks. Don't talk too fast. Avoid "Ahm" sounds.

  1. All the figures given in the text are not absolute limits. Certainly there are situations in which one should deviate from these specifications. However, consider carefully whether such a situation exists for you.

  1. Special Courses:

  1. Procedure

    • The grades in the courses "Applied Cryptology", "Selected Topics of System Security", "Foundations of Cryptology" and "Security Infrastructures" are composed of one third each of the following assessments:
      1. Written elaboration of the exercise sheets: the achievable score for each example is given. A maximum of 45 points can be achieved. The papers must be uploaded in written form in Moodle (at the latest by the date indicated on the exercise sheet). Submissions by email will not be accepted (except Moodle was demonstrably not available in the period prior to submission). Attendance is obligatory in the LV unit designated for the discussion of the exercise sheet. For a positive evaluation the achievement of at least 50% of the points on the exercise sheet is required.
      2. Evaluation of a presentation: Each participant gives a presentation on a topic during the semester, which is determined at the beginning of the lecture. The same evaluation criteria apply for the talk as for the seminars (see above).
      3. Written elaboration of the literature survey, in particular a short table of contents (2 lines) and own assessment per literature source (scope, quality, novelty and own presentation and assessment of references)
    • The grade is calculated according to the grade code given for lectures from the sum of the points on the workouts of the exercise sheet and the evaluation of the lecture.